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sobre / about

Esmeralda Colabone é brasileira / paulistana, dança desde os 4 anos de idade. Mãe, poliglota, escritora, palestrante e produtora, solista, mestra, coreógrafa e jurada nos principais festivais do ramo.

Entrou para o quadro da Belly Dance Brasil de Omar & Olga Naboulsi e graças a mesma, foi a mais jovem dançarina brasileira (na época, com 19 anos) aceita à integrar o quadro de artistas da Maison De L’Artiste do Líbano - conceituada agência de arte & entretenimento, responsável pela ascensão e multiplicação de artistas de diversas áreas pelo Norte da África, Golfo e Oriente Médio nas décadas de 1980 a 2015 - fundada por Mr Toros Siranossian.
Junto da agência, Esmeralda construiu uma das maiores carreiras brasileiras no mundo árabe de 2002 a 2014 com grandes conquistas, entre elas, ser a primeira a brasileira a completar uma turnê no Triângulo Maghreeb (Argélia, Tunísia e Marrocos) e ter um dos mais longos contratos de dança na Tunisia.
Em 2015, com o video de  "Enta Omri" - produzido e dirigido por ela mesma, viralizou na comunidade mundial e a partir deste dia, Esmeralda se tornou referencia para a presente e as futuras gerações com sua musicalidade ímpar, sua presença de palco arrepiante e, acima de tudo, sua vivência no mundo árabe.

Um currículo único, a maior carreira do Brasil, 
um dos maiores nomes da Dança Árabe contemporânea mundial.

"Raw, brown-eyes, like a Bedouin. Like ancient people" as she was once defined by a Syrian musician in Damascus, back in 2004.
Since 1999, Esmeralda has been dedicating her life to Arab Dance and Culture. From 2002 to 2014, she was part of Belly Dance Brazil by Omar and Olga Naboulsi in partnership with La Maison De L'Artiste do Líbano -
ME’s biggest entertainment/artist agency (1980 - 2015) responsible for providing 80% of the dancers and musicians for the best hotels in the Middle East, Gulf and North Africa - founded by Toros Siranossian. At the time, Esmeralda was the youngest dancer at the agency, 19yo. For 12 years, Esmeralda lived the real Arabic life and danced in the best hotels and restaurants in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Lebanon. She was the first Brazilian Dancer to tour the Maghreb and one of the longest contracts for a foreign dancer in Tunisia.
These countries and their people were her family and school.

In 2015, the "Esta Omri" video took the BD world by storm and since then, Esmeralda and her dance has reached all continents! Her contributions to the Arab Dance scene worldwide are very valuable, it is worth mentioning that she is responsible for the rise and propagation of the Lebanese style, throughout her workshop "The Lebanese Style" and was the creator of the first dance shoes for Belly Dancers in partnership with Capézio Brazil.
Soloist, teacher, choreographer, competition judge, writer, producer, polyglot, Esmeralda visited, taught and danced in 38 countries so far. A reference for today's and tomorrow's generations with her sharp musicality, unique stage presence and most importantly, her life experiences in the Arab world.

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